I have come to realize that being an artist is really a curse in disguise. At first you can’t wait to fill the cup and then all of a sudden it’s empty again and you are looking for your next drink. You search, you discover, you experiment, you solve and then you move on to the next project, never satisfied. You are addicted and you never want to stop. I love it!
Ideas and concepts come to me at the most inopportune of times – like when I’m at church…go figure! How ironic that God would give me a great idea when he knows I can’t pull out my iphone to take a note or sketch a picture on my note pad! Over the years I have found that if I can’t remember it soon after, it will come to me again, often with a better idea than the first.
That’s the beauty of design. We think we have the answer and then the limitations come, be it budget or limited time frame to implement. But in the end the result is usually better with those limitations…funny how that works out. It all boils down to being open to collaboration with our clients, contractors, vendors and various artisans. It’s always a better result for everyone when egos are put aside and everyone works as a team, supporting and encouraging each other along the way.
I cannot wait to share my team with you!